10 useful ways to say “how are you” in Spanish (+10 ways to respond)

¿Cómo estas? – How are you?

When it comes to social interactions, one of the most common questions that we ask each other is “how are you?”. This simple question can be used to open a conversation, to greet someone, or to simply express concern. In Spanish, there are many ways to say “how are you?” depending on the situation, the region, and the level of formality. Here are 10 useful ways to say “How are you?” in Spanish:

How to pronounce how are you in Spanish

1. ¿Cómo estás? – How are you?

This is the most common way to ask someone how they are doing in all Spanish speaking countries. It’s a friendly greeting that expresses concern for the person’s well-being and invites them to share how they’re feeling. It is important to note that there are variations of this greeting depending on the context:
  • ¿Cómo estás?: Use this when addressing a person in an informal context.
  • ¿Cómo está?: Use this when addressing a person in a more formal context.
  • ¿Cómo están?: Use this when addressing a group of two or more people.
  • ¿Cómo estáis?: Used only in Spain when addressing a group of people.

To hear an example of how to pronounce “how are you” in Spanish, as in “¿cómo estás?, listen to the following audio:

2. ¿Qué tal estás? – How are you?

This expression is like “¿Cómo estás?” and can be used in the same contexts. Take into account that this expression may convey a sense of familiarity or intimacy. Once again, it is important to note that there are variations of this greeting depending on the context:
  • ¿Qué tal estás?: Use this when addressing a person in an informal context.
  • ¿Qué tal está?: Use this when addressing a person in a more formal context.
  • ¿Qué tal están?: Use this when addressing a group of two or more people.
  • ¿Qué tal estáis?: Used only in Spain when addressing a group of people.

To hear an example of how to pronounce “how are you” in Spanish, as in “¿qué tal estás?, listen to the following audio:

3. ¿Cómo te va? – How’s it going?

This expression is more colloquial and implies a sense of progress or achievement. It can be used to ask about someone’s general well-being or to inquire about a specific project or goal they may be working on. The variations of this greeting depending on the context are as follows:
  • ¿Cómo te va?: Use this when addressing a person in an informal context.
  • ¿Cómo le va?: Use this when addressing a person in a more formal context.
  • ¿Cómo les va?: Use this when addressing a group of two or more people.

To hear an example of how to pronounce “how’s it going” in Spanish, as in “¿cómo te va?, listen to the following audio:

4. ¿Qué pasa? – What’s going on?

This expression is used mostly in South America as a greeting. It’s often used in informal situations and may convey a sense of camaraderie or friendship.

To hear an example of how to pronounce “what’s going on” in Spanish, as in “¿qué pasa?, listen to the following audio:

5. ¿Qué onda? – What’s the wave?

This expression is used mostly in Central America in an informal context to ask someone “how’s it going?”. It’s similar to “¿Qué pasa?” and it’s often used to greet friends or acquaintances.

To hear an example of how to pronounce this expression in Spanish, as in “¿qué onda?, listen to the following audio:

6. ¿Cómo andas? – How’s it going?

This expression is more common in Argentina and Uruguay, even though it is broadly used throughout Latin America. It’s similar to “¿Cómo estás?” but may convey a more relaxed mood.

To hear an example of how to pronounce “how’s it going?” in Spanish, as in “¿cómo andas?, listen to the following audio:

7. ¿Cómo te sientes? – How are you feeling?

This expression focuses more on the person’s emotions and feelings. It can be used to ask someone how they are doing, but it’s specifically asking about their emotional state. The variations of this greeting depending on the context are as follows:

  • ¿Cómo te sientes?: Use this when addressing a person in an informal context.
  • ¿Cómo se siente?: Use this when addressing a person in a more formal context.
  • ¿Cómo se sienten?: Use this when addressing a group of two or more people.

To hear an example of how to pronounce “how are you feeling?” in Spanish, as in “¿cómo te sientes?, listen to the following audio:

8. ¿Cómo va todo? – How is everything going?

This expression is more general and can be used in both formal and informal situations. It’s a way to ask how things are going in someone’s life in general, without focusing on any one specific thing.

To hear an example of how to pronounce “how is everything going?” in Spanish, as in “¿cómo va todo?, listen to the following audio:

9. ¿Qué haces? – What are you doing?

This expression is more specific and implies a sense of activity or occupation. It’s a way to inquire about what someone is currently doing or working on.

To hear an example of how to pronounce “what are you doing?” in Spanish, as in “¿qué haces?, listen to the following audio:

10. ¿Qué cuentas? – What’s up?

This expression implies a sense of news or updates. It’s a way to ask someone what’s new or to catch up on recent events.

To hear an example of how to pronounce “what’s up?” in Spanish, as in “¿qué cuentas?, listen to the following audio:

How to reply to “How are you?” in Spanish

Now that we’ve covered 10 ways to say “How are you?” in Spanish, let’s take a look at 10 ways to respond:

  1. Estoy bien, gracias. – I’m good, thanks.
  2. Estoy excelente, gracias. – I’m excellent, thanks.
  3. Estoy mal. – I’m bad.
  4. Estoy regular. – I’m so-so.
  5. Estoy cansado/a. – I’m tired.
  6. Estoy emocionado/a. – I’m excited.
  7. Estoy feliz. – I’m happy.
  8. Estoy triste. – I’m sad.
  9. Estoy ocupado/a. – I’m busy.
  10. Estoy relajado/a. – I’m relaxed.

Kknowing how to say “How are you?” in Spanish can help you connect with people and show that you care. By using these 10 expressions, you can add variety to your greetings and tailor your language to the situation and the person you are talking to.

Keep in mind that some expressions may be more appropriate for formal settings, while others may be more suitable for informal or casual situations. Similarly, the responses you receive may vary depending on the context, the relationship, and the person’s mood.

It’s important to be respectful and attentive when asking someone how they are doing, and to listen actively and empathetically to their response. By doing so, you can build trust, foster relationships, and enhance your communication skills in Spanish.

Whether you are traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, interacting with Spanish speakers online, or simply practicing your language skills, knowing how to say “How are you?” and respond appropriately can make a big difference in your personal and professional life.

Visiting Spain

If you’re planning a trip to a Spanish-speaking country, it’s important to understand the cultural norms and customs of the region you’ll be visiting. One helpful resource for travelers to Spain is Cultural Care Au Pair’s blog post on 10 Things to Know Before Traveling to Spain. In this post, you’ll find valuable tips and insights to help you navigate the local culture and make meaningful connections with locals during your trip.

From understanding meal times and siestas to learning how to greet people in Spanish, this post offers a wealth of information that can help you make the most of your travel experience. So, whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, be sure to check out this post before your next trip to Spain.

Experience the Spanish Language

Do you know if there is a Spanish speaking community near you? The best way to immerse yourself in learning the language is to pick up a conversation on the street or with a neighbor.

If you have a more adventurous heart, travel to a Spanish speaking country. This hardcore exposure may be a little bit harsh, but it is very effective. It will force you to use as much as you know. Conversation is the key.

You can also join our Spanish conversation programs and talk with native Spanish speakers, while receiving a detailed, written feedback. This feedback helps you to optimize the time you use in learning the language, by directing you to practice the areas where you are making the most mistakes. Additionally, you will be able to schedule your conversations at times that are most convenient to you and with experienced conversation partners that know how to cater to your needs.

Boost up your confidence, tighten up your skills and get ready to explore the world!